
The Make-or-Break Factor for Your Business Success

Prioritization is at the heart of every successful business. It's the fundamental element that separates the winners from the rest. Get it right, and you'll be forging a path to greatness. Get it wrong, and you'll face numerous hurdles in your journey.

Prioritization is not just about making a checklist of features. It's about harmonizing a symphony of inputs—your team's insights, customer demands, and the goals of your business. When you focus on what truly matters, you create products that resonate with people on a profound level.

While I wish I could hand you one single, perfect framework that effortlessly fits every decision you encounter, you know, that's just not how it works. Life's a bit more complex than that. There's no "one-size-fits-all" solution, no magic glove for all your use cases.

But don't lose hope! There's several prioritization frameworks at our disposal, each with its own strengths and advantages. By combining between few frameworks you will get the true key to unlocking the answers for your prioritization dilemmas.

My Top 5 Prioritization Frameworks: 

1. Value vs. Effort 

A matrix that helps prioritize features based on their value to the user

and the effort required to implement them.

When to use it: This framework will help you to decide which features to prioritize in a product roadmap based on their potential value to customers and the effort needed to develop them.

Prioritization type: Strategic decision making - Product roadmap/Project plan



2. The MoSCoW Method 

The technique used to categorize tasks or requirements into four priority levels: Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, and Won't-have.

When to use it: this framework is suitable when there is a need to categorize tasks or requirements into different priority levels based on their criticality, urgency, and potential impact on the success of a project or product.

Prioritization type: Resource allocation/ Risk Management



3. RICE model 

Method used to rank tasks or projects based on 4 parameters:

Each factor is typically scored on a numerical scale, such as 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. The scores are then multiplied together to calculate the RICE score for each task. The higher the RICE score, the higher the priority of the task.

When to use it: This framework will help to assess and rank tasks, features, or projects based on their potential value and the effort required to implement them.

Prioritization type: Feature Prioritization/Resource Optimization



4. Kano Model

Technique used to categorize customer needs and preferences into different types based on their impact on customer satisfaction and the level of delight they bring to users. The Kano Model helps businesses prioritize their efforts by identifying which features or attributes will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction based on five categories:

When to use it: When you are looking to understand and prioritize customer needs, features, or requirements based on their impact

Prioritization type: Customer Experience Improvement / Competitive Analysis



5. Cost of Delay Model 

Cost of Delay framework provides valuable insights into the financial impact of prioritization decisions, reducing risks and aligning priorities with business goals.

The higher that value of the activity, the more important it becomes from an economical point of.

When to use it: when you want to assess and prioritize tasks based on the financial impact of delaying their implementation.

Prioritization type: Time-Sensitive Projects/Risk Management



Here are some common methods used to measure Cost of Delay, along with brief explanations for each:

The world is filled with distractions, but if we prioritize with laser-like precision, we create products that truly matter. We turn dreams into reality, and in doing so, we capture the hearts of our customers.

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product prioritization, prioritization frameworks, boost performance, business growth, business processes, business strategy, business success